Banished Ventures

Brad’s SERIES-Elsberry

  • This topic has 52 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Brad.
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  • 53 Posts - 1027 Views
  • #7433

    YEAR 56 and 57

    while we were busy with the forest,the greenhouse plantation has built several hothouses.the wall was exptended and several more houses for workers have been built. the city has built a small bakery and cleared stones for more city roads.

    with all the sand ,we can make more glass. a CC glassworks makes glassware and a DS factory makes glass. now that our food and supply outputs are improved,we did a push to build more houses. a small colonial school was built for the north DS miners.

    plantation 4 built an EB winery.

    pic 1:greenhouse plantation
    pic 2: bakery
    pic 3:more glass
    pic 4: school
    pic 5: winery


    YEAR 58 and 59

    the livestock plantation fenced another pasture for dairy cows. the herd was split from the tobacco plantation. this will give us more milk.south of it, the bannies have started clearing land for a sweet plantation. it will produce chocolate,sugar, and maple syrup.

    pic 1:plantation 6
    pic 2: plantation 8 start
    pic 3: plantation 8



    population up to 688 in 157 houses. we have 351 workers.we have outgrown the schools and churches and are bout 25 houses behind.our work to improve the movement of supplies ,trading,and food has paid off. the Thompson tradingpost set is comeplete. the city expaned the production of glass including adding continues on our 8th plantation.

    goals-finish the 8th plantation and clear regrowth from the producers need to be built in the city.we will start to zone the larger city buildings and begin work on producing the needed materials.

    pic 1:stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4:graph
    pic 5:overview plantation #5
    pic 6: overview city north
    pic 7:overview city south


    YEAR 60 and 61

    to keep the bannies happy ,a church and school were added near the sawmill just north of the livestock plantation.more fields are planted and houses were built along the stream. the city added a pig butcher,meat dryer,and ketchup factory. they now make fancy furniture and have a hospital.

    pic 1:church and school
    pic 2: crops
    pic 3:furniture joiner
    pic 4:hospital
    pic 5:ketchup factory
    pic 6:meat dryer


    YEAR 62 and 63

    a huge townhall is and silver bars are needed. an RK foundry and a DS smelter are built.the city has grown quickly. a RK college and KID colonial parish will keep the bannies happy.

    as the city is built,we do need to increase food outputs. the seet plantation plants 2 orchards that will give more fruit.more processors were built in the city as well.the bannies continue clearing regrowth and laying stones for the city roads.

    a CC foundry and building supply barn are function,these chains need more materials,

    NILLA asked about why the inventory shows so many odd items such as flowers.there are a few reasons. the flowers require water to make perfume. water was needed to supply the greenhouses. thatch dies off after a few years,flowers continue to spawn all over the map.RED is aware of the flaw.the perfumery uses higher grade building materials. hence it isn’t a early game building. with this many mods,i do get some odd materials that i don’t use.i also stock pile some for later use. bonemeal is trades. beeswax is used for candles,just 2 examples. the order in which the trade posts stock goods plays into this as well. if the workers are all over the map stocking flowers, they aren’t stocking goods with more value.

    i did have so much down,from a KID mod i believe, that we had to start trading it. there are several tailors built but the down isn’t being used still.on this map there are a lot of buildings that i don’t use often. i wanted to show the CC 1.06 mods and items can be used with the newer 1.07 mods.

    pic 1RK:college
    pc 2:White house
    pic 3:KID colonial chapel
    pic 4:sugar beet factory
    pic 5: sweet plantation


    You are very right when you speak of the problem of trading away low-value things you don’t want. As you say there’s always a risk that traders walk all over the map to collect 2 flowers here and 3 flowers there, totally neglecting your major trading goods. With RKEd there’s a small trick to managing this; if you build the specialized carts for misc. products close to the port and assign one vendor temporarily he will help to collect flowers and maybe also some other odd products. But I don’t know if the carts are included in the light version. And with CC there might also be other goods you don’t want there that belong to this category.

    l also use to stock things like flowers in a port after a merchant has arrived when I haven’t bought much and I only sell when it can be stocked easily. I dislike when things I don’t want, take space away in my stores. But as you know it’s not always easy to get rid of it in a good way.


    yes,RED’s carts and some markets from many modders are very helpful.


    YEAR 64 and 65

    EB’s leather chain is scattered throughout the city. leather is made into saddles and boots.a CC weaver makes cloth and a bedding maker will use up feathers.s CC tannery works to make cured leather as well as the EB tannery.then work begin on the shop house section of the city. it will have some working shops mixed in with the houses.

    the silver ore is processed into silver ores. since ithe DS furnace won’t make silver bars,ingots will be made to trade.

    pic 1:bedding factory
    pic 2: water tower and EB leather shop
    pic 3:leather boot shop
    pic 4:city shop house section


    YEAR 66 and 67

    we have to wait for stone and iron. a precious mine was dug. a smelter makes gold guilder. the governor’s mansion was completed and some decorations added.we cleared RED’s flowers from around the White house and planted EB’s shorter grass and flowers. with KID’s pond and trees, the area is like a park setting.a ropery,preservist,and the Pilgrim’s Rest tavern were built.

    the tobacco plantation built more worker houses and planted more gardens.they have 3 curing barns for the tobacco. the greenhouse plantation built 3 more greenhouses. we have more water than the leather shops are using.

    i mentioned in another map that i like to scatter laborers throughout the map. this does make a difference. construction goes faster where there are more workers. the areas that are farther away from the city take longer to complete buildings. even thou the game is suppose to schedule tasks by when they are set, the workers will work on projects closest to their homes.i think they help move supplies to and from the outer areas. to help these workers move more goods,i took time to build a couple houses in different forests and plantations.

    pic 1: precious mine and smelter
    pic 2: city park
    pic 3: tobacco plantation
    pic 4: plantation 5
    pic 5: tavern and preservist


    YEAR 68 and 69

    we need more iron for tools. a 2nd RK foundry is built and a toolsmith,. the city conrtinues growing. another wood butcher will make pork chops.the bannies moved into more shops houses.

    the adjustments have improved the balance. goods are moved and stocked at the trade posts. the problem is the merchant boats bring so many items we don’t need.if we need logs, they bring weapons. for food they bring exotic,tropical,or other processed foods. they do keep us stocked enough on food and firewood,but we do have to pick and choose.

    we worked hard to overcome a tool shortage. we finally had to trade for twine handled tools.

    pic 1: new toolsmith
    pic 2:more shop houses
    pic 3: 2nd RK foundry
    pic 4: more storage markets for the trade district



    there are 929 bannies,496 adults, 181 students, and 272 children. they live in 205 houses.our schools have worked well. just short of 90% are educated. churches are once again full capacity.the balance is better but still needs some adjusting. we produce more tobacco leaf and lime than we process. we use as much fertilizer and sort as much veggys as produced. pipe tobacco is traded for firewood each fall to stock the houses. the processors use most of the firewood that is cut throughout the year.

    the sweet planation makes hot chocolates,eggnog, gingerbread, and syrup. the city has some large churches, a college, hospital, several markets, a tavern, a huge White house townhall, as well as many shops and food processors. everything from boots and saddles to bricks and roof tiles can be produced and traded.

    goals- we need to increase the food. we will adjust trading and need another mill for oats and a bakery. the city roads need to be finished. we are waiting on ropes to complete a distillery. then pickles can be processed. there is much to do, but i would like to finish this map over the next 10 years.

    pic 1: stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4: graphs

    pic 5: sweet plantation
    pic 6: city northwest
    pic 7: city northeast
    pic 8: city west center
    pic 9: city east center
    pic 10: city southwest
    pic 11: city southeast


    YEAR 70 and 71

    the shop district was completed.they have a bakery to make bread and a jam house.the distillery was finished. more bannies built houses near it.the city added a mill to grind oats into flour. the start village built a jail that will act as a church.

    we finished the city roads. a Notre Dame church has been completed.

    pic 1: city mill
    pic 2: shop district
    pic 3: distillery
    pic 4: jail
    pic 5: Notre Dame


    YEAR 72 END

    i had a little more that i wanted to do, but will close this map. the plantations will support the city with some heavy trading. i wish i could have done more decorating and had room for more housing. the 3 major mods do work well together. the CC compatablity mod did merge the 1.06 items with the 1.07 and things are interchangable. all the workplaces do function without any issues. the RK EC, DS IND, and CC mods work well together.

    the only mod issue seems to be the trade animals mod. the animals do not leave the trade post. this will need more testing and adjusted in the mod order. a CC mod high in order does have other affects. bonemeal and feathers get produced. with the RKEC higher than the CC, production of those items is lower. you do have some control with the mod order. again it will become a give and take as each player has different ideas.

    i plan to make a few adjustments. the christmas mod and market foods will be removed. i never have enough firewood to use the markets and i din’t feel i use enough of the christmas mod to keep it. i can use that much memory to add TOM’s barns. i will make some chages to lessen the fertilizer outputs as well. maybe i will try to adjust the log and firewood outputs as well.

    i have been fighting a computer gremlin lately. as much as i tried to keep them caged, they now are affecting the graphics. my display is off and it is becoming harder to see.the more i try to adjust it the more the gremlin fights. before i start another map,i need to backup more files.

    i tried a couple things lately. some i want to do more with going forward. the college campus idea around RED’s college is a neat way to grow food inside cities. i’d also like to do more with the plantation idea. with KID’s farmyards and tiny workplaces, there are so many options that we didn’t have before. i tried to change the pace ,but am not happy with it. my thinking was to speed up the progress by posting 2 or 3 years at a time. this works with accepting nomads. it seems to make a yoyo out of playing. it pushes then a relax year,then push. too frantic and not enough time to decorate. i think it led to more shortages. my hope was to improve the blog. it isn’t as smooth nor did it work out well. i’ll try to slow things back down and try something different.

    pic 1: map
    pic 2: plantation:#1,flowers
    pic 3: plantation #2, grain and beef
    pic 4: plnatation #3, tobacco and milk
    pic 5: plantation $4, winery and sheep
    pic 6: plantation #5, greenhouses
    pic 7: plantation #6, veggy and fruit
    pic 8: plantation #7,livestock
    pic 9: plantation #8,sweets
    pic 10 and 11: the city

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