Banished Ventures


TavernThe tavern is a comfortable place to eat and drink for modern people. Innkeepers carry alcohol to the tavern and prepare food for the guests. They also know recipes for tasty fruit schnapps. Apartments upstairs can be used as a living place of homeless people.

Size: 7 x 6
Building costs: 125 Logs, 28 Stones, 12 Bricks, 38 Tiles, 40 Glass Panes, 14 Fittings, 8 Glassware
Building time: 260
Worker: 1 – 2 innkeeper
Radius: 35 tiles for happiness (Entertainment)
Residents: Up to 3 families with each 5 people in attic

Tipp: If you place the tavern and you want to add the boarding house function, keep a depth of 1 tile free behind the building.

Background: The original tavern is named Stora Gungan and is situated in Stockholm.

Last edited on 24 December 2019

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